Dynamic PD opportunities for you and your school!
为您和您的学校提供动态的 PD 机会!

In consultation with ACAMIS, PeerSphere is offering a variety of Peer Learning Communities to help teaching and non-teaching staff collaborate across China.

Embark on a journey with us, where every interaction enriches your professional life and transforms your potential into better outcomes for the students we ultimately serve. 

Click ‘How it Works’ below to see how your journey will unfold!

经与 ACAMIS 协商,PeerSphere 提供多种同伴学习社区,帮助中国各地的教学和非教学人员进行协作。



60+ Communities to choose from to suit your needs...
60 多个社群可供选择,满足您的需求......

For the 2024-25 school year we will be offering a choice of 60+ Peer Learning Communities suiting a broad range of job roles, across these 4 categories:

在 2024-25 学年,我们将提供 60 多个适合广泛工作角色的同伴学习社区供您选择,涵盖以下 4 个类别:

Administrative Support

Early Years / Elementary


Whole School Specialists

Want to see more?

Check out our full list of more than 60 communities
available to you and your school

P.S. As a member, you can join as many as you like…

查看我们为您和您的学校提供的60 多个社群的完整列表


Thriving Together 共同成长
What Our Members Saying About Us 会员对我们的评价

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Sphere Stories

Stories and ideas of how to harness the power of Peer Learning from our hosts and members.

Get in touch to learn how we can tailor PeerSphere for your school’s needs.

You can book a free professional development consultation directly with one of our co-founders below or, email us at [email protected].

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