Student Agency in Action

April 19 (Saturday), 2025 | 12:00 - 4:30 PM
Nanjing International
Hosted by Andrew Friedle & Scott Corbett

This participant-driven gathering is an opportunity to connect in-person, share practices, and explore common professional inquiries.

Join us to see “Student Agency in Action” where you will learn from students and explore ways with peers to empower students. Dive into sessions on creating inclusive classrooms with Universal Design, encouraging young learners, motivating students, and building equity with JEDI principles. Share ideas and strategies to help students take charge of their learning in supportive, engaging environments.

Peer Sharing and Learning Topics:

  • Technology for Choice
  • Agency and Motivation
  • Standards vs. Agency


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Scott Corbett

Scott Corbett is the Deputy Secondary Principal with a passion for wellbeing and a commitment to empowering both staff and students to thrive. With a background as a theatre director turned teacher, Scott brings a creative and dynamic approach to education, while embracing opportunities to meet new people, learn about different cultures, and explore the world.


Andrew Friedle

Andrew serves the NIS community with a focus on IBDP Economics/Business Management and MYP Humanities. Andrew is an aspiring education leader who is keen to take on any task that helps him contribute to the community and learn more about leadership in international schools.


12:00 – 12:30 – Registration and Connecting

12:30 – 12:45 – Welcome and Keynote: Student Spark Presentation

13:00 – 14:15 – Break-out sessions (Participants will choose one of the topics below)

  • Room #1: Technology for Choice
    • How can technology promote and enhance student agency?
  • Room #2: Agency and Motivation
    • How do we support and foster authentic intrinsic agency?
  • Room #3: Standards vs. Agency
    • How might we overcome the challenge of ensuring students achieve pre-identified outcomes such as grade level standards, while providing high levels of authentic learning?

14:15 – 14:45 – Break

14:45 – 15:30 – Demo Slam/Market Place: Brief presentations of tools, tips, and tricks gleaned from the breakout sessions, shared with the larger group.

15:30 – 16:15 – Panel Discussion – Student Voices Around Agency

16:15 – 16:30 – Closing Address


Breakout Rooms

Technology For Choice

This session is designed as an exchange of ideas, experiences, and practical applications that highlight how digital tools and platforms can transform the learning landscape to foster independence, creativity, and engagement among students. Participants will have the opportunity to showcase their successes, discuss their challenges, and explore new technologies through demonstrations and group discussions. By pooling our collective knowledge, we aim to uncover effective strategies for integrating technology in ways that personalize learning, enable student-driven pathways, and prepare students for a future where they are the architects of their own learning journeys.

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Host: Tanya Farrol

Tanya serves the NIS community as a Secondary Learning Support Teacher. Tanya serves the international schools community as a founding member and Board President of SENIA. She is a China veteran with 20 years in the PRC.

Agency and Motivation

This session will focus on empowering one another with strategies to uplift students facing challenges in taking ownership of their learning journey. Recognizing that fostering agency is crucial for intrinsic motivation and sustained engagement, this session offers a platform for educators to share insights, strategies, and real-life experiences in nurturing student independence and self-directed learning. We’ll discuss the barriers to agency some students encounter, and how to effectively address these challenges to inspire confidence and resilience in learners.


Host: Jana van Zyl

YCYW Head of Inclusion

Panel Discussion

Standards vs. Agency

This session will aim to tackle the complex intersection of adhering to curricular standards and fostering student agency. During this collaborative forum we will confront the perceived dichotomy between meeting grade-level standards and nurturing an environment where students exercise choice and take charge of their learning. Through our discussion, we will hope to uncover practical strategies for designing assessments and learning experiences that both align with required outcomes and empower students to pursue their interests and passions.

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Host: Kelvin Ofosu

UWC Changshu China, Head of Science & High school Physics Teacher


International School

Xue Heng Lu 8, Xian Lin University City
Qi Xia District, Nanjing PRC 210023

中国南京市栖霞区仙林大学城学衡路8号, 邮编:210023

+86-25-8589-9111 | [email protected]

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